Thursday, October 31, 2019

High quality history tuition centers in Singapore

Deciding whether your child would benefit from tuition and then choosing the best tutors can be a daunting task. So how should you set about it? 

Does your Child Need history tuition?

Many parents have contacted me, uncertain about whether their children need, or would benefit from history tuition. As tuition can be expensive you should understand what it can achieve because tuition can help children in a number of ways but it's not all about getting the best tutors:

• To catch up on areas of work they find difficult.
• To stretch, improve or extend the child understanding.
• To help engage 'bored' or 'disengaged' children.
• To improve their confidence.

Choosing the Best Tutors

History tuition is a considerable investment in time and money. So you need to choose the best possible tuition agency in Singapore. Making the right choice is important from the vast range of tuition schemes available. So ask these important questions of the Tutor.

• Are they qualified to teach?
You can ask to see their teaching qualification and their MOE certificate. Some of the qualifications that teachers might have include: Post Graduate Certificate in Education, Professional Graduate Diploma in Education and Bachelor of Education.

• Are they government checked, and is the check an 'enhanced disclosure'?
All adults who have regular contact with children, like tutors, should have an enhanced check. You can ask to see this. Most schools require a new check every three years. But do remember that a CRB check is only as good as the information that is held on the teacher. It is a good safeguard but you should always monitor the safety of your child.

• Do you and your child like them?
The best tuition is the result of a good, effective working relationship between pupil and teacher. So to maximise the effectiveness of tuition ensure that your child responds well to their history tutor. It is not worth sticking with a tutor that your child does not like!

• Will they be able to meet your tuition needs?
When you send your child to tuition make sure you, and your tutor, has a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Ask the tutor if he/she can deliver what you want.

What Type of Tuition is Available?

There are many different types of tuition service available - so make sure you get the service best suited to your child's needs. I have grouped these into several categories, each one having something different to offer.

One-To-One Tuition

So you think one-to-one is the best? Perhaps you think it must be because it is usually the most expensive!

It may be true in the short term, just before exams but generally the tutors are dominant, and one-to-one tuition does not allow the child to enjoy learning independently, and it does not provide a forum for discussion, to express their opinions, their difficulties, or to interact with other children in the learning process. Moreover, the best tutors and teachers assess through watching children interacting with each other, discussing problems, and working and playing with other children.

As one-to-one tuition has been a flag ship of government policy since the 2010 election and is now widely available and some is delivered through schools in 10 hour programs although now the budget has been given to schools many are opting for small group tuition.

There are also history teachers who provide this service privately. This is usually the most expensive tuition option as the teachers full attention is devoted to your child. It can be effective, and certainly children should make progress. However, in addition to cost, it is harder to make the sessions 'lively' and 'fun'. Teachers will spend a large part of their time waiting for the child to finish their work.

And it is also difficult to foster independence in one-to-one tuition. Children often stop thinking through concepts and just wait for the teacher to teach, and explain it to them. In the long term, this is unhelpful. It is possible to find very cheap one-to-one tuition in some areas, but whilst this might appear attractive, parents should ask about the qualifications, and the skills of such tutors.

Small Group Tuition

Small group tuition is available across Singapore. It is usually cheaper than one-to-one tuition, and so makes better use of the teacher's time. It also provides children with the opportunity to share ideas, and for the teacher to use competition and games to enhance the learning of each child. As the session comes alive in this way it becomes easier for teachers to assess, build confidence and inspire children.

Small group Tuition Centres usually have up to eight children in each group. Between four and six children per tuition group is an ideal number as this allows good group dynamics and individual attention. If a group falls below three it becomes difficult to encourage group dynamics.

Larger tuition groups cannot guarantee, and often fail to provide each child with the individual attention they need and often seems no different to an ordinary school classroom. If your child is having difficulty then putting them in this situation is likely to make the emotional barriers worse.

Continuity and consistency is important to any tuition group. So attendance should be regular. Each group should have matched children, or similar ability. And the same tutor should lead the group.

Large Group Tuition

There are many large group tuition centres in some areas, some with between 15 and 30 children. Again, some of these groups do not use qualified tutors. So whilst these centres are often cheaper per session, the parent should ask whether the tuition provided is able to provide something different to what is being offered at school.

If your child is not achieving their academic goals nor has a barrier to learning in large classrooms in school, why should large tuition groups be more effective? 

Study Programs

There are many study centres in Singapore. Many are 'on-line' websites, which sit your child in front of a computer or provides them with worksheets. Children are then expected to work through them on their own. The amount of teaching done is minimal.

History tuition Singapore | History tutor Singapore | Geogcafe

History equips students with knowledge and attributes, History helps students to draw connections between the past and present by understanding how the nature and impact of past developments explain today's world. Individuals matures into more balanced, discerning, empathetic, enquiring, knowledgeable and methodical individuals able to make well-reasoned arguments and decisions.
So the parent should ask what I am paying for. The answer is the worksheet resources. These can also be found on the internet, the local library or in a book shop. It always amazes me how much parents are prepared to pay for these history tuition programs in Singapore when similar materials are available in shops at a fraction of the cost. Additionally parents considering a study center should note that children who require tuition need the support of a tutor to help them learn, and to unblock any obstacles to their learning. Study centers do not provide the teaching and support your children need.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How to become better in A level Geography tuition Singapore?

Whether you're a seasoned tutor or new to the A level Geography tuition world, you're going to know that each student is different, and what works for one doesn't work for another. This blog post is intended to give you some ideas on how to mix and match your tutoring.
  • Cater the lesson to the student’s learning style: Most learners are reflective; they like to practice extensively before each tutoring session and like to have access to the material to be discussed in the class in advance so that they can go through it several times and feel confident about the subject you are going to cover. Others may be the complete opposite; by doing, they like to learn. For example, they may prefer to perform a chemical experiment on the structure of molecules in a laboratory rather than swat for hours.
  • Keep it fresh: A Geography lesson plan of two or three lessons that may be interesting will cease to be so once the novelty wears off. Surprise your student by introducing new activities in a class (e.g. games checking their map pointing skills, songs describing a recently studied theme or poem, or a brand new app that helps them to put into practice what they've learned).
  • Take a look at innovative new ways of teaching: Read about the latest learning developments; take the best of these new teaching methods and use them in your tutoring sessions. Spaced Training is a modern way of reporting great success. A typical class involves introducing a subject to students (usually through a 10-minute Powerpoint presentation) followed by a 10-minute break during which students partake in a physical activity such as playing a sport. Students watch the same Powerpoint presentation after the action-packed stage, this time with blanks they need to fill in. Three ' data output ' sessions are separated by two ' active ' 10-minute breaks during a typical class. The program may be new, but by embracing it, its supporters receive significant benefits. Clearly, the secret lies in creating new memory consolidation connections in the brain. Another new method of teaching is Engagement; It includes encouraging students to visit local businesses so that they can see what real-life topics they are studying relate. There's no reason why you can't integrate these systems into your tutoring sessions as a qualified tutor. You should not end your interest in your student as soon as the hour-long tutoring session is over.
  • Learn from alternative education methods: The newest is not necessarily the best for some students. Find out tried and tested approaches such as the methods of Steiner-Waldorf and Montessori that are still attracting rave reviews from both teachers and parents.
  • Be patient, be innovative: Many students can understand concepts faster than others. Don't despair when you notice you have to repeat things that you've already spent a lot of time describing. When you think your students having issues with remembering knowledge, consider using memory retention methods such as mind maps to synthesize and memorize large amounts of information using a visual approach.
  • Be tech savvy: Many students now have an almost intuitive technology relationship; indeed, almost 100% of Singapore youth own a smartphone, laptop or iPod. Think about how these devices can be integrated into your tutoring sessions. There are thousands of devices, from Geography to History and even literature, on almost every subject you can think of. Don't spend the whole gadgetry session, but introduce them to a productive class as a nice wrap-up.
  • Ask your student how you can improve: Sometimes it's worth getting to the point and finishing a tutoring course by telling your student if you think you could make it more helpful for them. Many students are going to ask for more variety; others are going to tell you that you are going too fast and they have to spend more time on the basics. You can also suggest ways at this point that you think your student can make the most of what you teach them by additional tasks that they can complete in their own time. And, finally
  • Make it personal: You may remember a school teacher who changed your life, encouraged you to become more professional, or gave you the gentle push you needed to make it into college or your choice course. Perhaps the personal interest they took in you was what made this educator so special; their gentle appreciation of your situations, challenges and goals. Perhaps this teacher or mentor walked the extra mile to give you a book that you wanted or tell you how much they believed in your potential. It's incredible how the biggest weakness of a student can be something as basic as a lack of confidence in one's own skill and abilities.
Try to become your student's source of inspiration. Point out the areas in which you feel they are really talented; if they express themselves well, encourage them to write, start their own blog or try to publish their work. Often, the only thing we need to reach for the stars is something as basic as telling the student they're great.

One thing is to teach students to pass an exam. Developing critical thinking skills for students, helping them develop their knowledge of how to look at a problem and analyze it requires different skills.

The concept of critical thinking comes from ancient philosophers like Socrates, who encouraged his students to analyze the validity of their arguments by answering a series of questions that in their initial assumptions often exposed contradictions.

Critical thinking incorporates Socratic methodology these days, but it goes beyond that, attempting to apply conclusions made during discussions, solving current issues or even creating new models at the beginning of the class / discussion had not been envisaged by the participants.

So what is critical thinking?

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) describes it as: "Critical thinking often considered similar to higher-level thinking involves individuals to participate in more complex processes, often related to the upper realms of Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy: observation, synthesis, and assessment. This kind of thinking helps people in their search for greater understanding and responsible, independent inquiry.

Critical thinking frameworks

Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy may sound like a complex piece of reading, but it is, in fact, a highly practical set of learning goals developed by a group of educators in the United States in 1956, aimed at helping educators exchange resources. In fact, the context of this paper was much wider than they would expect, as it demonstrated the need to engage students in classes and tutoring sessions that went beyond basic topic handling.

Sadly, most classes concentrate only on knowledge and understanding, particularly at primary and secondary school; We refuse to dig into deeper analyzes, claims and experience gleaned usage. According to Bloom, learning must go much further, encouraging students to synthesize what they have studied and create entirely new ways of thinking and innovative solutions to problems. Furthermore, students should be encouraged to determine the validity of their proposals and the often-heir quality work based on set criteria.

Using this table to assess the level strengths of your student, concentrate on keywords and ask the right questions is a handy way to use Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy in your tutoring session. Simpler questions, for example, may simply involve checking the knowledge and understanding of your student – e.g. "When was Parliament established? How would the House of Commons be contrasted with the House of Lords? "It's easy to answer with simple factual facts.

More complex issues would include applying the expertise of the student – e.g. "What would happen if the House of Commons election process was changed?

Discussion – "Which arguments explain the House of Commons ' existence?”

Synthesis – "What changes are you going to make to the current government?

Evaluation – "Which information have you used to say this?

The Toulmin Model of Argumentation is another important model for educators and tutors in the classroom. It can be used in the writing of essays and is made up of several ' phases. ' The first stage is the pre-writing phase: the teacher / tutor will present a question / argument to students during this process and help him / her unpack it by asking more questions to make sure they understand what it means. Tutor and students must analyze the subject during this step and gather evidence.

Tutor and student will use the Toulmin template to make a claim, explain the claim's context, provide evidence to support it, and demonstrate how the evidence supports the claim. The third phase involves assessment: verification of meaning clarity, depth, relevance and accuracy.

Things you can do today to develop your students critical thinking skills

These methodologies will be very useful to help you structure your tutoring sessions, although you may want to warm up your student first by simply teaching them to delve deeper into higher-level thinking.

There are a few simple ways to do this:

Ask questions with more than one answer. One of the foundations of critical thinking is to understand how many concepts and statements that we regard as inexorable truths are often underpinned by subjective considerations. Socrates was a true champion of getting his students by logical argument to reassess their values and beliefs.

Encourage thoughtful discussions on your student's important topic. Your job as a tutor is not only to help your student achieve specific academic goals, but also to encourage them to think about a variety of issues, ideas and institutions in a more informed, responsible and profound way.

To promote critical thinking, incorporate topics that will always be discussed and ruminated by your pupil, even after your tutoring days are over.

Use important games of thought to pique the interest of your pupil. Many fun sites include Riverdeep Interactive Education, Don't Buy It (which encourages children to learn the news and make smart purchases) and Free Thinking Games for both children and adults.

Give examples to your student: Show your student a good piece of writing at the end of a tutoring course that shows outstanding critical thinking skills.

Teach your student introductory phrases that show critical thinking, such as "We must ask ourselves, however, if this is a universal truth" or "This statement may or may not be proof of ..." etc.

Be your student's model: there's no better way to lead than by example. Inspire your student with questions and study of your own higher order.

Encourage healthy discussion: If you tutor a group before or after going through a topic in depth, assign students to two different groups arbitrarily and ask them to argue for or against a topic. The best thing about this type of debate is that it challenges a participant to consider reasons that they might not agree with in real life. This encourages them from multiple conflicting angles to address one question.

If you're in a group session, ask students to evaluate the claims of each other and point out the latter's shortcomings. They should be given objective criteria to help them assess their peers.

The key thing is not to act like Socrates by the teacher, by pointing out gaping holes in the work of their pupil. Rather, it is to enable students to ask interesting, appropriate, valid questions, which for the rest would make them deep thinkers.

It's not always easy to teach. If a student is dissatisfied, you need to get to the heart of what makes them frustrated and disillusioned if you have a problem working with them and making progress.

I hope in this blog post you've found some inspiration. If you want to know something specific about A level Geography tuition Singapore, we’ll be sure to cover them later.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to get good grades through A Level geography tuition Singapore

In an effort to realize the benefits that come from opting for a tuition agency, we should know what this type of agency truly does. A tuition agency is really a firm, which supplies tutors for folks. These tutors are qualified, knowledgeable and specialists in teaching several subjects. So why would you want to opt for such an agency? You ought to opt for such a firm simply because you could improve your studying and retention skills and execute greater at your school/university. Let us exactly see how this occurs.

Any time you choose a tutor from the agency, you have the alternative of choosing the one that you are most comfortable. These agencies state the tutors qualification, age and encounter. Therefore, you could choose the one which you consider will assist you study one of the most. Furthermore, all such firms enable you to meet using the A Level geography tuition in Singapore ahead of the actual sessions begin. For that reason, by opting for such a firm you'll be in a position to choose a tutor that you just can essentially discover.
Not simply to you get to choose who teaches you, but you also get to make a decision where you might be taught. Quite a few of us cannot learn or concentrate at property or school, by choosing where you're taught helps increase your concentration focus which additional assists in geography learning.

Due to the above causes, you will be able to discover and retain your perform lots a lot more. These little but important functions can and have made a considerable difference in quite a few people's academic results. Actually, analysis shows that people that opt for such solutions often have a stronger grasp of concepts, perform much better in their school, and get improved jobs. So how you come across yourself a organization like this? By logging on to the world-wide-web, as quite a few such firms have made elaborate web pages in which they state their attributes, fees and speak to data.
  1. Always carry the dictionary or the thesaurus, if you have been assigned to offer geography classes and at the same time for your mathematics and science classes you need to carry a good calculator.
  2. Stationary items like pen, pencil, erasers and rulers are also required for you when you are moving for the first tuition assignment.
  3. Also you need to know and take other essential stuffs if the parents will ask for it. What you need to do before you start the private tuition classes?
  4. You need to call the parent one day before the lesson will start. You need to make the confirmation about the timing and also you are required to find out what topics you are going to cover during the tuition time.
  5. Revise those topics thoroughly so that you can feel still fresh and your concepts are clear
  6. Make some perfect plans to demonstrate the lessons before your students perfectly

Any time you choose a tutor from the agency, you have the alternative of choosing the one that you are most comfortable. These agencies state the tutors qualification, age and encounter. Therefore, you could choose the one which you consider will assist you study one of the most. Furthermore, all such firms enable you to meet using the tutor ahead of the actual sessions begins.
For that reason, by opting for such a firm you'll be in a position to choose a tutor that you just can essentially discover. Not simply to you get to choose who teaches you, but you also get to make a decision where you might be taught. Quite a few of us cannot learn or concentrate at property or school, by choosing where you're taught helps increase your concentration focus which additional assists in A Level geography tuition.

In addition, by opting for these firms you are going to also have the ability to get person attention. You can ask the tutor to concentrate on the areas which you do not know or require much more assistance. The agency will guarantee that your tutor caters to any predicament you might have. Tutors are fantastic if you're lagging behind in class. 

A better future waits only for those who are ready to invest their time to make the most of their present. And to carve a better future, every child needs proper guidance. School education is the primary ladder to instigate that craving for knowledge in the kids, but do all the children get the same attention? Definitely not. This is the reason why starting from primary school, students require home tuition just to make sure that they do not lag behind in the competition.
As a parent, you need to know why is it imperative to have a private teacher to help your young one in studies. Well, the first reason for this is the fact that every child's learning potential is not same. While some can grasp things quickly, there are others who are slow learners and need proper devotion. And this is possible only if they get one on one session with the teacher, which is impossible with school classes.
You will be required to invest some time scanning via the given details, but when you finally have might be in a position to make the ideal decision for one. Moreover, it can be frequently believed that these firms charge a high price tag. Nevertheless, at this time these organizations have lots of economical packages in which they are providing their solutions at discount. For that reason, on the websites you may also search for such packages. By opting for such A Level geography tuition, you happen to be securing your future.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How to prepare A level History?

A Level History tuition analysis requires careful planning and execution in order to make substantial progress in your test preparation. Besides recognizing common errors, designing strategies for SBQ answering and writing skills for essays, it is imperative that you have arranged your study materials and questions for training. Therefore, in this topic, we will concentrate on various revision aspects to guide you through this meaningful journey that will lead you to the goal of achieving A at the A Level History Exam. 

 Step 1. Dispose of your products
Start your analysis by organizing the materials you have provided for your reading. You can de-clutter your brain by arranging your own thoughts, essays and SBQs. That method is useful because if the need arises, it means that you are clear where to find the relevant information.
One useful way is to distinguish themes or subjects from your products. For example, the Cold War Subject, featuring a three-part series [ Emergence of Bipolarity, World Divided by the Cold War and End of Bipolarity ], can be arranged as one collection of materials. A file divider or even a painted A4 paper can be known as a make-shift divider.
Make sure you have divided them into the following within each collection of materials: I Notes (ii) Questions [ Essays / SBQs ]. For Notes, you are encouraged to include a review cover page to list the study areas (which will be developed later). You can organize questions into ' simple ' and ' challenging ' forms.

Step 2. Plan your schedule.
Now that your training materials have been arranged, the second step includes creating a specific timetable. A schedule is vital as it helps you set your daily tasks goals, whether it be educational, recreational or social. As many have read, ' Fail to plan, plan to fail. ' Having the correct goals will ensure that you remain committed and concentrated on the ultimate goal of completing the A Level History exams. O get going, you can arrange your time with a physical or online regular planner. You can use an Excel spreadsheet to display the monthly calendar, for example. Next, fill in the time slots you're sure of, such as school classes. Second, provide time slots for history that you want to study, as well as other topics. Personally, I agree that two subjects should not surpass one day's revision cost. For example, the revision can be as such in one full day: history from morning to mid-afternoon; general paper from mid-afternoon to late evening.

Step 3.  Please take notes during revision
In the scope of A Level History tuition, it is understandable that some students may be fearful of a revision process because it requires a detailed reading and understanding of the facts and figures. This is only partially true, though, because students are not supposed to regurgitate every piece of information they have access to. The third step involves the taking of notes. It means you are taking a collection of materials, then reorganizing and summarizing the essential components that can be used for exam questions. When learning papers, there are many ways to take notes. Writing the points on a separate piece of paper is one of the most common practices. We have the preference for some students to create ' mind maps ' to create mental images of the data. Others may be inclined to type the points out in soft copy and compile the tips via themes or topics. Try different methods to assess your note-taking habits. 

We have given you some great tips on how to prepare A level History tuition, if you want more tips, please check back with us later.

Five Things To Know About Social Studies Tuition

The social studies tuition helps the students to understand the various topics relating to the subject. It helps the students to incr...